Sunday, May 30, 2010

the ups and downs of being a grandparent: Memorial day

the ups and downs of being a grandparent: Memorial day

Memorial day

Well today is the day all the kids are coming for dinner and some fun at the pool..My son called to ask me if the heater was turned on at our neighborhood I wasn't there yet and what does it matter? but anyway. The weather is beautiful and the grand kids will be her too so that's a plus. But when mom and dad are around its expected of Mimi and Pappy to play with the kids. Not that I mind that AT ALL but, I would also like to enjoy the day especially since I am doing all the cooking and prep work for this. Wouldn't it be nice if they would offer to help? When I was a kid we always got put to work like setting the table, chopping vegies, anything that someone could find for you to do. My kids are spoiled they just expect me to do it all. I'm sure that's my fault because I always did it for them especially my middle son.  So who am I to complain? Oh well its time to get off the computer and start working on the pasta salad...Happy Memorial Day everyone...and remember be careful out there.

the ups and downs of being a grandparent: the ups and downs of being a grandparent: my first blog ever

the ups and downs of being a grandparent: the ups and downs of being a grandparent: my first blog ever

the ups and downs of being a grandparent: my first blog ever

the ups and downs of being a grandparent: my first blog ever

Saturday, May 29, 2010

my first blog ever

Hi everyone,

I am trying to start blogging and this is my first attempt, so please bear with me while I try..thanks

I want to start by talking about the grandparents roll in their lives. This is for those who are raising their grandchildren as well as those who live close and can see them whenever they want or those that live far away and only get to see them once in a while.
I am very fortunate because my kids all live close by and I can see my grandchildren just about any time I want. This can be a good thing and sometimes a bad thing. The bad part is that they(meaning the parents) expect you to be at their beck and call, I sometime wonder if they think I don't have a life...I personally think the grandparents of today are much younger than our grandparents were and we do have other things going on like WORK. My fathers mother didn't work and my mothers mother had 8 kids most of which were close to my age(well maybe 3 or 4) and I was like one of her kids. I can remember going to the laundry mat once a week with my aunt (2 years older than me) and doing the laundry for everyone. It would take us all day. We would ride into work with grandma and be finished by the  time she was done with work and ride home again. We didn't have the luxury of sleeping in until noon, we had chores. I love my grandchildren so much that when they do ask me to watch them I have a very hard time saying no.

My daughter in law called me old the other day (she didn't mean it the way it sounded) but I am ONLY 51, I am working full time, had a double lung transplant, raised 3 kids of my own and to me 51 is not that old anymore.

I would love to hear some other stories from people with grandchildren. I love it when the grandkids are here and Isaac(3) always says "Mimi, can I have a piece of candy" and I say " of course you can, you can have anything you want at Mimi's). Chocolate is good for him anytime of the day breakfast, lunch, and dinner..I will get them back for calling ME old....